Maple-Cooked Carrots

When my boys were little, I used to boil carrots to make them soft enough to eat.  I know, culinary suicide, yeah?  It seemed the simplest way to get this fresh vegetable into them.  Once they got old enough to chew them raw, I never cooked them anymore. Until I realized that the 6 year old actually prefers his carrots soft, and that they are even more nutritious cooked.

To make things a little more tasty and a little more exciting, I found some recipes for glazed carrots online.  I didn’t really like the ones that used honey; honey has a very particular taste and I don’t think it matches the carrots all that well.  Brown sugar was too processed.  Considering the 6 year old’s love of maple syrup, that’s where I ended up, and lo and behold I now make Maple-Cooked Carrots pretty frequently.

Maple-Cooked Carrots

  • 1 – 2 cups baby carrots
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

Put the water, butter, olive oil in a saute pan over medium heat just until the butter melts.  Add the maple syrup and heat for 1 minute.  Add the carrots, swirling the pan to coat them well.  Cover and cook on medium for 5 minutes.  Remove lid and turn heat up to medium high.  Cook carrots for another 5 – 7 minutes, stirring often, allowing the liquid to reduce and become syrupy.  When carrots are knife-tender, they are done.

Download recipe here

maple carrots ready for the table

You can play around with a lot of the elements of this recipe.  If you like your carrots even sweeter, you can increase the maple syrup, or for a more subtle glaze reduce it.  On occasion, I’ve added salt and pepper to taste when I uncover them.  You can also increase the covered cooking time if you want your carrots to be softer.  Heck, you could even puree these carrots for a younger child.  If you do, let me know how it goes!


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  • December 30, 2009, 8:51 pm Erika

    I’ll definitely try out the baby puree version and see how it goes. Thanks! These look really good.
