Cupboard Cleaning Challenge!

The most recent issue of Kiwi magazine poses a challenge to its readers: can you eat through your pantry without going to the grocery store?  And I thought, hmmm, can I?

The answer is probably yes, but do I want to?  The answer to that, of course, is no.  But I did decide to take on a modified version of the challenge: I’m going to cook through our pantry and still go to the grocery store.  For the most part, all our fruits and vegetables are fresh, and we go through those every few days.  I don’t want to give up on the fresh stuff.  The good news, though, is that we will eat through the pantry!

If you are up to the challenge, you can see their suggestions at the Great Pantry Challenge.

So, last night was my first night, and I glanced through the cabinet (alas, I don’t have a pantry) and was surprised how quickly I put something together.  Brown rice + Spanish lentils and vegetables (from Trader Joe’s) + steamed broccoli = a pretty decent meal!

You didn’t think it was going to be this easy, did you?  When I went to open the Spanish lentils, I realized that it expires June 3.  Of 2009.  D’oh!  So that sent me on a pre-mission to get rid of all the stuff that had expired or that I knew we wouldn’t eat.  So, goodbye vacuum-packed brown rice, boxed lasagna and some sort of bean medley.

Now, back to the meal.  What to substitute for the lentils?  I had a bunch of cans of beans and a bunch of bags of dried beans, including a beautiful heirloom one that I just never got around to cooking.  I also dug out a bag of kombu, which I read somewhere is supposed to make the beans easier to digest when you are making them from scratch.  And… voila.  I’d make the beans (which, incidentally, said on the package did not need to be soaked), mix them in with the rice, and add a can of chopped tomatoes.  I’d call it… Brown Rice with Tomatoes and Beans?  I need to get more creative on the naming here.

BUT, you didn’t think it was going to be THIS easy, did you??  Those no-soak beans did not cook in the allotted hour’s time.  In fact, they took about 2 hours.  No worries!  I just grabbed a can of white beans when I realized the heirlooms wouldn’t be ready and used that.  Still working my way through the pantry.  I’m flexible!  I think fast on my feet!  I’m MacGyver in the kitchen!

Or maybe more like MacGruber, because when the dish was said and done, after a little salt and pepper, it was… bland.  Totally edible, but bland.  What do I need to add to it, folks?  Some herbs?  I did sprinkle each portion with freshly grated parmesan cheese, but that still wasn’t quite enough to perk it up.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, since I’m trying to learn to cook better.

complete meal: Brown Rice Thing, steamed broccoli and tangerine

So, for my first challenge meal, not too shabby, considering I used up two cans and a good portion of brown rice.  I won’t be challenging every night, but you can count on a couple a week, maybe.  There’s too many other good dishes I want to make.



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  • February 6, 2010, 7:27 pm Eva

    What a great idea — and hilarious post, Beth! I especially laughed at your past-expiration bean medley. I always buy stuff like that thinking I’ll eat it, but I never manage to. The only times I’ve ever tried to eat from my pantry without food-shopping is when I’m in the middle of moving. It’s interesting to see what you can come up with, but by the end I’m usually eating meals made up of just tater tots and vodka. Not that this is a bad thing.

    As for how to debland the dish…when I hear beans, rice and tomatoes, I think Mexican. So how about a salsa? You could make a mango-avocado salsa, corn salsa or just dump on some of that Trader Joe’s tomatillo salsa.

    Also, kombu! Never heard of it. Or Kiwi magazine, for that matter. But now I’m off to research both of them. I learn so much on your blog, Beth!

  • February 6, 2010, 8:03 pm bethpc

    Eva, you are the best! I love the idea of mango avocado, cause that would add a sweetness and creaminess that would be lovely. I was thinking about it today in terms of a risotto, and then I wondered if I should have just sauted some onions in olive oil and added that. But then I thought, “that’s so boring.” So the salsa sounds much, much more interesting.

    I cannot wait for the day that you blog about a great recipe for tater tots and vodka. That will be award-winning.

    Kombu! Sea vegetable used a lot in Japanese cooking. I was just looking through my (relatively) new cookbook, Clean Food (FAB cookbook) and it calls for kombu with beans a lot. Let’s call a spade a spade, here, though– the kombu is supposed to cut down on the flatulence. :-) Kiwi mag, as you’ve probably already discovered, is a kind of green parenting magazine. It only comes out quarterly or every two months, I think.

    • February 7, 2010, 5:45 pm Erica Long

      I read your blog on a regular basis and am extremely impressed by how healthy you eat/cook. No wonder your boys have a glow to them! Then I was brought back to your 10 honest things list and how you wished you ate healthier. Man, if I ate half as well as you, I’d be so proud of myself. You are my health food guru. :)

  • February 7, 2010, 9:15 am Erica

    “MacGruber! Making life-changing inventions out of household materials. MacGruber!”

    When I lived in Miami Beach, I used to try and make Cuban black beans from scratch. I found that sauteeing chopped onions and garlic for a few minutes and then adding the beans to simmer made all the difference in the world. Oh and salt!

  • February 7, 2010, 9:19 am Erika

    This is great! That’s funny about the Kombu and good to know!
    I love how you’ve been sharing your cooking, um, challenges. I have recently decided that it’s better try to cook something new and fail than to stick with the same old safe stuff.
    Tater tots and vodka sound like a match made in heaven.

  • February 7, 2010, 2:27 pm Eva

    LOL, Erika! Awesome MacGruber lyrics! Can you guys believe they’re making a MacGruber movie? Odd, but that sketch always makes me laugh.

    And you’re both making me crave bean dishes now! Damn, this would have been a perfect time to have a bean medley at home, and I don’t!

  • February 7, 2010, 6:27 pm bethpc

    I heard/read that the MacGyver people are suing to stop the MacGruber movie. They’ve already released stills from it, and I think Kristen Wiig is in it, and she is my total FAVE.

    Also, I’ve got two lovely Eric/kas here, and the MacGruber lyrics one is Erica. Lovely Foodism for the Busy Mom and mom to the 3 year old’s best bud. :-)

    • February 7, 2010, 7:36 pm Eva

      OMG, my apologies to both Eric/kas!!! I even have a brother named Erik, so I’ve spent years correcting misspellers (no, that’s Erik with a “k”) and should not have made that rookie mistake.

      I had noticed that there were 2 similarly named ladies around these parts, but I got confused this time. Must cut down on the vodka, apparently….

      • February 7, 2010, 8:27 pm Erica Long

        No worries, Eva! You seem like the loveliest person.
        Growing up, I knew no other ‘Ericas’ with a C or an A so it’s kinda nice.

  • February 7, 2010, 6:28 pm bethpc

    Oh, and also, Erica, I feed my kids extremely well, but I don’t eat so well myself. Too many Starbucks lattes with a side of high fat & sugar laden pastry, and I’ve been known to pick up a sweet or two for myself…

    • February 7, 2010, 8:15 pm Erica Long

      All the more reason to like you!!! I was stuck in the car today with a sleeping Ethan and a bag of cream puffs. You can guess what I did to pass time while he slept;))

  • February 9, 2010, 12:08 pm Charlotte

    My favorite perk-ups for beans: onions and garlic sauteed in olive oil, and a splash of vinegar at the end. And red pepper flakes!
