Yesterday while the 3 year old and I were out playing in the yard, I kept hearing this bird squawking.  I looked up, and I saw a hawk circling over our yard– and another bird, maybe a crow, was literally dive bombing this hawk.  I sat, fascinated, watching this display of heroics and bravery from the crow-bird.  It did NOT give up.  It kept following that hawk wherever he/she went, dive bombing here and there.  I’m guessing said bird had a nest somewhere close, it being spring and all.  I suppose I am happy to report that the crow-bird was successful– it actually drove that hawk away.  So, yay for the little man.  Although that hawk’s gotta eat, you know.

As soon as I saw it, I wanted to capture this scene for all posterity.  I weighed my options.  Regular video camera?  Could zoom better, but might take too long to retrieve.  Flip video?  It’s close and does pretty well, and I’m running out of time.  What am I doing thinking about this?  I gotta MOVE if I want to catch anything!

So I ran inside and grabbed the Flip.  By the time I returned, the crow-bird had successfully driven the hawk much, much higher, but they were still up there above the yard.  So I started rolling, as we say in the biz.

The resulting video is substantially worse than any footage you’ve ever seen of Sasquatch or the Loch Ness Monster, but I figured, what the hey.  Maybe you will enjoy it.  You might need some kind of magnifying tool, so, go get that.

[vimeo 10944396]



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