I’m gonna need your help on this one.

There’s been a garden tragedy taking place right under my nose.  While I’ve been crafting my tush off, something has been devouring my plants.  And when I say devouring, I’m not kidding.  And these aren’t bugs, either, unless we have some pretty enormously frightening bugs around here.

Something is chewing several of my plants off right at the base.  Literally eating the plants down to nubs.  For example, I had a lovely eggplant that looked like this when I planted it:

Lovely, right?  And over the past month or two, it had grown into a nice sized plant.  Then, the other day, I found this:

Where did my plant go? The saddest thing to me is the way the plant has sent out new leaves on the sides of its stems, in a last ditch effort to survive.  It’s all, “And so you’re back / From outer space…” and it’s thinking, “I should’ve changed that stupid lock.”  I don’t know if it will survive or, if it does, if it’ll produce eggplants, but I’ll tell ya, it’s not alone.

No, in fact, a cucumber that already had fruit on it– those super super cute little cukes!– was also severed, and the long vine with baby cucumbers attached was left there to taunt me.

My strong, sturdy jalapeno also got decimated.

So, here’s where I appeal to you for help.  What on earth is eating my plants?  I know we have skunks and raccoons.  Could a skunk do this?  I’d say rabbits, but I have never seen rabbits around here.  What do you all think?

As for solutions, I’m thinking of putting chicken wire around individual plants to save them.  Any other ideas?



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  • June 3, 2010, 8:01 am dcallaghan

    Ummm- do you have deer in the area? I know that sounds weird in a urban setting, but you do have hills and such- we have them and the LOVE my roses…there’s a company called Deer Out that has super awesome organic deer and critter keeper outter- we used the Critter Out. It’s non toxic and smells really great. We’ve used it in the front (moles) and in the back (super squirrel set up housekeeping after the cats left) and it’s worked well for us. The site is deerout.com and they ship anywhere. It could also be slugs. I’m not sure that they slug would completely decimate the plant like that, but you never know! We use shallow bowls of beer strategically placed in the garden near the plants. The slugs apparantly are lushes and literally drown their sorrows in the beer and leave my plants alone. I make DH “dispose” of the carcasses because- ewww, gross. Upside, slugs aren’t picky- the love the Budweiser as much as the Fat Tire – cheap drunks! :) So sorry for the plant decimation. I feel your pain- it totally bites. :)

  • June 3, 2010, 9:00 am Becky

    Around here I would say def. deer. But can they get into your yard? Next guess is Peter Rabbit. Look for a blue coat with yellow buttons caught on the fence.

    Sorry I’m not more help. :)

  • June 3, 2010, 3:48 pm karen fitz

    We think it’s either deer or a rabbit. You have a backyard fence that’s pretty high tho, right? Deer are a real pest in the urban areas of Eugene. A gopher maybe; they’ve eaten tomato plants off like that, pumpkin vines and they also will “suck” a vegie right down into their holes. You can tell they’re around usually b/4 damage is done (their mounds of dirt). It isn’t a slug -they usually go for the leaves. Possibly a medium animal live-trap is a good solution. Skunks and raccoons are omnivores/scavengers and don’t eat living plants like this, so that isn’t it. Herm says to sneak out after dark with a flashlite, and see if you can “catch” a critter in the process of “scarfing” your plants. We use “Liquid Fence” on our shrubs and flowers but not the edible things, and it really works. Sorry for your problem! Hope you can figure it out.

  • June 3, 2010, 6:10 pm bethpc

    I think it’s got to be a rabbit. Our yard is essentially all fenced, so I don’t think any deer could get in. I’ve still never seen rabbits, but I’m sure they’re around. I think I’ll try the chicken wire around the plants– last time we did a live animal trap we caught a skunk. Yikes.

  • June 4, 2010, 2:00 pm Amy in Australia

    And if it IS Peter Rabbit, you could always bake him in a pie.

    Actually, *you* probably know how to do that! ;) Hope you catch the culprit soon–that has got to be really frustrating.

  • June 8, 2010, 6:36 pm Amy

    Slugs (we’re overrun this year, ugh) eat a lot but they are more nibblers than the chomping you’re experiencing.

    Best of luck. If the chickenwire doesn’t work, look for groundhogs. If you have skunks & coons, you might also have groundhogs…? They are total PIGS and will eat an amazing amt of food in one go. And chickenwire won’t faze them, they’ll go right over.

  • August 13, 2010, 11:11 am Art Zimmermann

    I am having the very same issue with just my eggplant. All my other plants (carrots, Potatoes, Squash, Mustard greens, tomatoes) have not been touched. It is being eaten right down to the stem along with all my eggplants. We have no deer nor rabbits in our area but it might be a possum, raccoon or rat.

  • July 26, 2012, 3:41 pm Dar Normand

    Hi, I know this post was 2 years ago, was hoping to see more. My garden, the first on I’ve had looks exactly like this…We finally put plastic fencing all around it. after 2 weeks the plants looked the same, everything eaten or just all the jalapeno and banana pepper gone, all tomatoes all of it. Then this morning I spot a skunk coming under my fence, thinking it was my cat, surprised when it wasn’t…went straight to the garden trying to get in…can’t figure out how so gives up…only thing is, something else ate the peppers unless he forgot how to get in…HELP!!!

    • July 26, 2012, 6:09 pm Beth

      I’m still having the same problem and haven’t figured out what’s eating it! We do have skunks, but do they eat foliage? So weird. Our Meyer lemon is basically dead. :-(

  • June 9, 2014, 5:55 pm Sarah

    We just determined our eggplant plant loss was the result of a gopher. Despite a gopher basket, the little critter got close enough to chew the stem and drag the entire established plant down with it! It’s been our best eggplant year yet, but now we’re down to 4 out of the original 9 plants. So frustrating! What to do?!
