The September 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mandy of “What the Fruitcake?!” Mandy challenged everyone to make Decorated Sugar Cookies based on recipes from Peggy Porschen and The Joy of Baking.  She specifically wanted people to decorate their cookies with the theme “September,” whatever that means to you.

Well, September doesn’t really have a special meaning to me… although it is the four-year-old’s birth month, I had already made cookies for him, so I wanted to do something new.  I went with something pretty cliché for the theme and then added something fun that doesn’t really have anything to do with September.

For September, here’s what I came up with:

the standard fall leaves

slightly less common: fall hearts

That’s supposed to say “Sept.”

And my favorite:


I was kind of proud of the way I made his belly look like fur.  And the sugar on the tail.  Secret confession: I think I had this cookie cutter from a make-your-own-dog-biscuits set.

So, once I had the September thing down, I went crazy with the cookies I really wanted to make, but that I couldn’t figure out how to link to September.

STAR WARS COOKIES!  Remember these:

The cookie cutters are “press” cutters, so that they cut the shape and imprint the faces on the dough.  So you get something like this:

cookies pre-frosting

Now, here’s where I’m going to call bullshit on the Williams Sonoma people.  These cutters are way, way cute, but there is one MAJOR problem with the leap from these cookies to the decorated ones on their site.

It is nearly impossible to make them.

Here’s the deal.  What you really need to do with a cookie is outline it, “flood” it with icing in the center to get a background color, and then pipe the details on top.  But if you flood the cookie, you can no longer see the design for the face, so how can you decorate it?  I tell you, I spent a lot of time thinking about this and figuring I was a moron for not being able to figure it out.  If there is a simple answer, peeps, and you know it, please tell me in the comments!

So, I tried two different techniques.  First, I actually did all the detailing and then tried to fill in the background around it.  That was ridiculously hard, and they didn’t even look that good.  Plus, it took me about twenty-five minutes to decorate ONE cookie.  Then I tried flooding and doing the design on top, which basically meant I had to do the design free-hand and so WHY do I even need the press imprint on my cookie?

Here’s what I got.

left: details then background; right: flooding then free-hand details

Neither of these looks like their stormtrooper.  Blast you, Williams Sonoma, how did you do it??!?

I did like my Yoda, which was mostly free-hand details just looking at the photos on the WS site.

Do, or do not. There is no try.

Darth Vader was a disaster.  First, how do you pipe details on a black cookie?  They used gray, but the last thing I was going to do was mix up ANOTHER color of frosting.  I already had these:

You can see I even ran out of pastry bags and resorted to Ziplocks.  But I wasn’t going to make another color.  So I used white.

We will now discuss the location of your hidden rebel base.

I did the same experiment with the Vaders, using the two decorating techniques:

left: flooding then free-hand; right: details then background

It seems to me that the free-hand detailing looks better, but it seems such a waste to hide all the imprinted details under the flooding.

Also, you’ll notice that the color on this last photo looks significantly worse– that’s because it took me SO LONG to do these cookies, the sun went down and I didn’t have any more natural light by which to photograph by the end.

SO, my conclusion about the Star Wars cutters?  They are not meant to be used with frosting.  They are super cute without, so I’m not even going to bother frosting them when I make them again.

Happy September!  Here comes October, so beware…



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  • September 27, 2010, 12:52 pm Becky

    You are like a one-woman Consumer Reports!

    You know what, when I look at the WS pic of the frosted Star Wars cookies, they look a little like THEY freehanded them. It is a mystery! Yours look awesome though, I bet the kids loved them.

    I’m tempted to go back and get them now and just not ice them. I mean, a cookie is still a cookie, right?

  • September 27, 2010, 1:11 pm bethpc

    Definitely. It’s actually kind of better that you don’t even have to worry about icing them. The other suggestion I would make is to use a recipe with no leavener (no baking powder) and to chill, chill, chill your dough AFTER you’ve cut them out. Otherwise, they spread in the oven and the designs aren’t as crisp.

    And it’s funny, looking closer to the WS pic, their cookies do look a little wonky, too. Like Yoda.

  • September 27, 2010, 4:17 pm Ruth H.

    I like the September cookies a lot. But I LOVE the Star Wars cookies! They are so much fun, and I totally want to make those myself, too! Great job on this challenge!

  • September 27, 2010, 10:45 pm Julie

    These look so good!

    I wish that in the UK we decorated biscuits (cookies) like that. I’d love to make some Dr Who ones!

    I think you did a great job.

  • September 28, 2010, 1:18 pm Linda V @ Bubble and Sweet

    I loved all the fall inspired cookies, but what I really love is your Star Wars cookies, I wish they had the cutters here in Australia.

  • September 28, 2010, 8:27 pm Kim

    Great story about the cutters! I wonder sometimes at how “they” get baked items to look so darn good from using their product (they being anyone who sells a baking product professionally). Great marbling on your leaves, and the squirrel is cute. Do you think a dog would be able to discern a squirrel dog biscuit from a bone? Not sure mine would. :) Nice job on the challenge!

  • October 1, 2010, 5:46 am Holly

    I’ve never used that kind of cookie cutter, or done much cookie decorating, but is there a way to flood the whole top, then use the cutter again to imprint the design lightly on top of the layer of icing?

  • October 1, 2010, 6:34 am bethpc

    @Holly, funny, I thought of that after I made them and then another friend suggested that to me. You’d have to imprint it at just the right time, because if the flooding is too wet it won’t stay, and when it dries, it’s rock hard. But I think that might be the best option– you’d just have to really time it right for the second stamp. Thanks for the idea!
