Oh, c’mon, you know you have one.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been drowning in laundry.  Both the kids’ hampers were overflowing for at least two weeks, and I was doing one or two loads of whatever we needed, but it was a constant state of “are there any clean socks” and “where’s his baseball uniform?”

So last weekend, just ahead of the alleged end of the world, I did all the laundry.  Six loads of it.  It took me two days, but I got it all done.  But it kind of sucked.

And here’s the thing: over the course of the two days I did laundry, more laundry piled up.  After I finished all those loads, I basically had enough dirty clothes for another load!  So I never really got the satisfaction of empty hampers.

This week, though, I’ve been doing the laundry as it comes in.  Every day, I’ll do a load or two.  The result is that we aren’t running out of anything, but the downside is that I’m always doing laundry, and the loads are a little smaller, so it’s a bit more of a drain on resources.

I thought I’d turn to you, my readers.  Do you have a laundry philosophy?  Do you wait til the hampers are full and have a laundry day?  Or do you try to keep ahead of it, doing laundry as it comes in?  Or do you do what I sometimes do, and wait until someone needs clean underwear and then run a load of necessities?

Take the poll and tell me what you find to be the pros and cons of your laundry method in the comments.  I’m trying to institute my own system and I need advice!

[polldaddy poll=5079685]


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  • May 24, 2011, 6:59 pm Becky

    I never have empty hampers. Never. I don’t even believe such a thing is possible. I just limp along trying to keep everyone in clean clothes. The breakdown point in my house is the putting away of the clean folded clothes. They tend to live in baskets as a lengthy part of their life cycle. Ugh!
