We’re back on track with the Martha Project!

Today we take fabric flowers (oh, yes, my friends, we are STILL on fabric flowers) and stick them on some blank, canvas-covered books.

But first, you know what’s coming.  It is inevitable.  We almost cannot complete a Martha Encyclopedia project without it:


Oh heavens, people, the hours I have wasted shopping for things that simply cannot be found.  Things that should be easy to find.  When I retire, I’m going to open a store that stocks only airmail envelopes, organdy, 300 lb cardstock, and canvas-covered books.

Because it is impossible to find canvas-covered books.

For this craft, Martha wants you to punch out some fabric flowers and glue them (more on that detail later) to a plain, fabric-covered blank book.  Or a fabric-covered box.  And I simply could not find them anywhere.  First, I tried for the fabric boxes; I looked at Cost Plus and at Pier 1.  I feel like I’ve seen those there before, you know?  Nothing.  So then I decided to focus on the books.  I used to have a bunch of blank books—back in the 80s, mind you—that I used as journals, and they were virtually all covered in fabric (albeit patterned fabric).  So they must still exist, right?  I tried stationery stores.  Nope.  While I was there I tried Cost Plus and Pier 1.  No.  I tried Michaels.  I tried drug stores.  I even tried the interwebs, people.  For Pete’s sake, you can’t even order these puppies on the internet.  Finally, FINALLY, I found one at Blick art supply—I think it’s intended to be an art journal, and you are supposed to paint the front.  So that’s what I bought, and that’s what I fabric-flowered.  But it cost me $11!  Just for the book!

Someone help me here.  What am I missing?  Shouldn’t these be easy to find?  Where should I be looking?  What keyword am I not typing into Google to get the results I want?  Have you seen these around?

Now, back to the gluing.  The instructions here are to coat your fabric with stiffener as before, punch out your flowers, and then glue them to the book with a glue stick.  Seriously, Martha?  A glue stick?  Like, the thing I had to buy for my kindergardener to use at school?  I just spent $11 on a canvas covered book and now you want me to glue stick things to it?

I don’t know.  Do I have a glue stick prejudice?  Am I being a craft elitist?  It just seemed kind of preposterous.  Is that really gonna hold after I throw my blank book into my backpack or purse or wherever?

Anyhoo, I did it.  Here you go.

Yup.  That’s it.

Another note here: I did NOT use the Martha flower punch (although I calculated for it in the cost since you’ll need one if you don’t have it).  I used my die cut machine flower cut.  I just never liked the Martha ones and I found they were hard to work with on fabric.


Oh, this category is never really true to time since I don’t take into account shopping.  I should probably do that.

About 30 minutes


For the project?  Easy.  Locating supplies?  You need a research librarian.


  • fabric charm pack, $9.99
  • fabric-covered book, $10.99
  • fabric stiffener, $5.00
  • Martha Stewart flower punch, $9.99

Total cost = $35.97


No.  The end result is cute, I’ll give you that.  But is it worth trying to find these fabric books?  No.  Not that cute.

See you soon, raccoon, with another Martha project!



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  • October 14, 2011, 3:47 pm Kathy

    Hello, my name is Kathy, and I’m an addict for your fruitless shopping stories.

    • October 14, 2011, 3:50 pm Beth

      I will gladly shop and buy nothing to entertain you, Kathy. :-)

  • October 14, 2011, 4:48 pm Holly

    I think I might have left the same comment on the last Martha flower project: but why in the world would she use fabric stiffener to make fabric LIKE PAPER so you can punch it out? Why not just use PAPER? Ridiculous. (Too bad you didn’t post this earlier in the week, my talented food editor husband was ON MARTHA’S SHOW on Wednesday, for a segment about cooking for kids, and he could’ve asked her about it! Ha. (It will air in November). And I thought I was the crafty one in the family!

  • October 15, 2011, 8:14 pm Trista

    So frustrating when you can’t find the materials. You can find fabric boxes at… wait for it… wait for it… IKEA! I love that store. The ones I’m thinking about were called Strikt, but not sure if they carry them anymore. Small hinged and regular fabric boxes for small stuff in pencil case sizes to CD boxes to sizes big enough for 3 reams of 8-1/2 x 11″ paper. In the office accessory area. Feel like Container Store may carry some too. Love your adventures going through the Martha book.

    • October 17, 2011, 11:07 am Beth

      No way! Ugh, I should’ve tried IKEA. They have *everything,* don’t they? Thanks for the tip!

  • October 19, 2011, 7:10 pm Reid

    Ha! I love looking forward to the drama that I’m going to encounter when doing these projects. She is so frustrating – I completely concur that the supplies she calls for are RIDICULOUS. I can’t wait to tackle this one, but thanks to Trista, I’ll head to IKEA and pick up one of those fabric-covered boxes and let you know how it goes!!
