Dog Walking Etiquette

I just got back from walking the dog, and I’m now musing about the rules involved. But first, I must digress.

I’ve been meaning to get off my duff for weeks and months to get myself in shape. It is so hard to overcome inertia, especially when said inertia involves things like chocolate croissants and sangria and mac and cheese and jelly beans. But you know what finally got the ball rolling for me? This post from Suburban Matron. And I signed up for My Fitness Pal, so I have people to talk to about it.

My goal is to get my body healthy, really, and to lose some weight along the way and build some muscle. My short term goal is to train for our family camp triathlon in July. We go to family camp every year, and last year I did the triathlon, and I came in LAST. Granted, one person dropped out, but still. The term “triathlon” is even a bit of a misnomer, since it’s only a 100 yard swim, 3 mile bike, and 1 mile run. It barely qualifies. But it is at something like 7000 ft elevation, and the run is practically all uphill, and yadda yadda I wasn’t a total embarrassment but I did come in dead last.

Pre-race. The swim is in the lake. I'm on the far right.

See that lady kind of hiding in the back in the blue bathing suit? That deceptively sexy cut-out bathing suit that reads, “Who me? I just hope I can finish this silly race. Hee hee!” That lady kicked our asses. She won for the women, and while she seemed all non-threatening when it came down to it she was like super athlete.

Post race. I'm 5 from the left.

Now post race, you can see super lady (#508) wearing the HAT OF VICTORY. The men’s and women’s winners each got a hat.

So, my goal this year isn’t even to move up in rankings. I don’t even care if I come in last again, because these are actually some pretty athletic people. I just don’t want to feel like I’m dying doing it. The run nearly killed me; after the swim (I can’t swim properly) and the bike, the run was honestly straight uphill, and I really did feel like I was going to pass out. So this year, I just want to be comfortable without making a completely poor showing.

So I’m starting my training with walking the dog. Gotta start somewhere, right? I leashed Caesar up and headed out.

Basking in the sun.

Along the way we met two different people also walking dogs, and each had very different reactions. The first was a woman who was walking a relatively large dog that looked like some kind of pit bull mix. She was leaving a wide berth between us, so I followed suit. Of course, as we got closer the dogs looked at each other, and Caesar is always curious about other dogs and likes to play with them, so he perked up and wagged his tail, and her dog did the same. But she kind of freaked OUT. She yanked the collar really hard and screamed, “DAISY!” Which I thought was kind of an inappropriate name for a dog that she clearly thinks is so vicious. I quickly tightened up on Caesar and moved forward, and we averted any kind of dog-related disaster. I’m sure she knows her dog and all dogs are different (and go to Heaven, of course), but DAMN.

Later, we passed an Australian shepherd. As we approached, we both slowed a bit and let the dogs smell each other. After a brief encounter, we both walked away. It was totally calm and friendly and normal.

So I wondered. What’s the etiquette here? If you have an aggressive dog, then I suppose it’s clear you stay away and keep a short leash. Literally. But what if your dog is normal and friendly, like Caesar? Do you let him walk up to another dog and sniff? I usually do. Although I suppose it’s also a subtle game of reading the other owner. Clearly I wasn’t letting Caesar approach the crazy lady with her dog, based on her reaction. Do you ask first: “is it ok if my dog smells your dog?”

I leave it to you, dear readers, to enlighten me. What are the politics of dog interaction while out for a neighborhood stroll?



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  • April 25, 2012, 11:07 am Peyton

    Too confusing! This is why I only have indoor cats! ;-)

  • April 25, 2012, 6:11 pm Liz

    I happen to have a leash-reactive dog. He is fine with other dogs if they are both off leash, but when we see another dog on a walk, he goes CRAZY – snarling, lunging, barking. It’s embarrassing. We’ve adopted a “cross the street” methodology, as well as some other training stuff I won’t go into, which has mitigated the behavior to some extent.

    I’ve always wanted one of those dogs who could just calmly sniff another dog as we pass on a walk, but that’s not what I got. Many dogs love to greet other dogs and do so with beautiful manners, like Caesar and Aussie. Don’t get too hung up on what other owners do, but do respect their wide berths (as you did, in the case of Daisy) as they’re usually justified.

  • April 27, 2012, 11:32 am Kathy

    I think Liz touches on a really good point: we humans probably know our dogs’ behavior best, so take your cue from the humans. While my dog Watson is really pleased to meet any and every dog, some of the neighbor dogs here have issues (one is unfortunately aggressive, for instance), so I let the humans’ behavior dictate whether I let W approach the other dog.

  • April 29, 2012, 3:27 pm Keely

    Yep, what Liz said. I have one of those dogs too. (Although, if she’s off-leash, she’s occasionally a freak too – just less of a freak than if she’s on a leash.) I’ve always given people a wide berth or crossed the street when walking her, and there is always that ONE person that takes it personally and insists their dog is “friendly!”. Then I have to yell apologies across the intersection for offending them somehow, when it’s pretty clear that MY dog (who is usually snapping, snarling, and lunging at the end of her leash) is the issue.

    Anyway. Read the humans, yes.

    And! I downloaded MyFitnessPal but haven’t used it. Mostly because I hate hate HATE tracking calories but that’s obviously what I need to do. Want to be friends? You can shame me for my calorie intake.

  • April 29, 2012, 4:10 pm Beth

    Yes, Keely! Send me your username!
